New Copperhead Jewelry


Here is some of the Jewelry I made today.  It was nice sitting on the back porch in the 70 degree weather makin’ jewelry.  Hopefully I will be able to make some more tomorrow. I also sold some today at a local resturaunt.  I had left some of the Cafe Comics there and they asked me about the jewelry.  I sold 4 sets of earrings and 2 rings.  I’m beginning to think I might have a future sellin’ copper jewelry out of the back of my SUV.

This is not a great picture but maybe you can see the colors.  It’s nice to get back to makin’ jewelry.  This has been only the second time I have felt like makin’ jewelry since my heart attack.

On a good note my dad is home and the mini stroke didn’t seem to have any lasting effect on him.

About Bo Lumpkin

I like to write, draw, and read and do funny stuff.
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13 Responses to New Copperhead Jewelry

  1. Happy to hear Dad is doing well, Bo.

    I think your jewelry is really nice. Good for you making some sales – all because of Cafe Comics! 🙂 Very cool. Loads of good business has taken place out of the trunk of a car. Do you remember the old Camelot Music chain of stores. The owner of that business started it out of the trunk of his car.

    • Bo Lumpkin says:

      I remember the music chain. Didn’t know it was started out of the trunk of a car though. I keep most of my Jewelry with me because I never know when I might get a chance to make a sale.

  2. That’s great news about your dad, Bo! I’m very, very happy to hear that! AND I’m happy to see you’re busy doing what you enjoy doing! Looks great, Bo! I wonder if you wouldn’t mind sending some of those 70 degree temperatures this way, though (I think we’re supposed to have highs in the 40’s all week – I’m ready for something a bit warmer, already)!

  3. Binky says:

    Those are quite nice designs. You really have a knack for his jewelry thing.

    Glad to hear about your father. I’m sure that’s a relief to have him back in his house again.

    • Bo Lumpkin says:

      Thanks Binky.  He’s back to his old self.  As for the jewelry, someone asked me if I could give lessons on making it.  I told them no, because I don’t know what I’m doin’ either.  I just sit down and start makin’ it.


  4. Red says:

    Fab news about Dad!!

  5. Love the jewelry and am very glad your dad is doing better.

  6. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Thanks… on both counts.

  7. Rosie says:

    I still wish you would sell some of your jewelry online.

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